List Hygiene

What is Email List Hygiene? Email List Hygiene refers to the process of regularly cleaning and maintaining an email marketing list to ensure its accuracy, quality, and deliverability. It involves…

Referral Marketing

What is referral marketing? Referral marketing is a marketing strategy that encourages and incentivizes existing customers or users to refer new customers to a business or brand. It relies on…


Co-registration is a lead generation strategy that involves partnering with other businesses or websites to gather new email subscribers. When someone signs up for a service or makes a purchase…

List Segmentation

What Is List Segmentation? List segmentation is the process of dividing your email subscribers into smaller groups based on shared characteristics such as interests, behavior, demographics, or preferences. By segmenting…

Opt-In Forms

What is an opt-in form? An opt-in form is a web-based form or signup form used to collect permission from individuals who wish to receive email communications from a particular…