Constant Contact Pricing

What is Constant Contact?

Constant Contact is an online marketing platform that specializes in email marketing, event marketing, social media marketing, and online surveys. It provides a suite of tools and features designed to help businesses and organizations of all sizes create and manage effective email campaigns, build and engage their audience, promote events, conduct surveys, and integrate with social media platforms.

Constant Contact offers a user-friendly interface that allows users to easily create professional-looking email newsletters and marketing campaigns. It provides customizable templates, drag-and-drop editors, and automation features to streamline the email creation process. Users can also segment their contact lists, track email performance, and analyze campaign results through detailed reporting and analytics.

In addition to email marketing, Constant Contact offers features such as event management, allowing users to create event registration pages, promote events, and manage attendee information. It also provides tools for conducting online surveys to gather customer feedback and insights.

Constant Contact aims to assist businesses and organizations in effectively reaching their target audience, nurturing customer relationships, and driving engagement and conversions. It offers various pricing plans tailored to different needs and provides customer support and educational resources to help users maximize their marketing efforts.

Constant Contact Pricing

Constant Contact offers several pricing plans to cater to different business needs. However, please note that pricing details may have changed since my last knowledge update in September 2021. I recommend visiting the Constant Contact website or contacting their sales team for the most up-to-date pricing information. Here is an overview of the pricing plans available at that time:

  1. Email Plan: The Email Plan is suitable for businesses that primarily focus on email marketing. The pricing is based on the number of contacts in your list and starts at $20 per month for up to 500 contacts. As the number of contacts increases, the price also goes up.
  2. Email Plus Plan: The Email Plus Plan includes additional features such as automation, A/B testing, and more advanced functionality. Like the Email Plan, the pricing for the Email Plus Plan depends on the number of contacts and starts at $45 per month for up to 500 contacts.

It’s important to note that these are base prices, and the cost may increase as your contact list grows. Constant Contact also offers discounts for prepayment on an annual basis rather than a monthly subscription.

Additionally, Constant Contact may have additional pricing considerations for features like event management, surveys, and social media marketing, which may come as add-ons with their own associated costs.

What is Constant Contact best for?

What is Constant Contact best forConstant Contact is best known for its expertise in email marketing and offers a range of features to support businesses in this area. Here are some key areas where Constant Contact excels:

  1. Email Marketing: Constant Contact provides a user-friendly platform with customizable templates, drag-and-drop editors, and automation features to create and send professional email campaigns. It offers tools for list segmentation, tracking email performance, and analyzing campaign results.
  2. Event Marketing: Constant Contact offers features to help businesses promote and manage events. This includes creating event registration pages, sending event invitations and reminders, managing attendee information, and tracking event performance.
  3. Social Media Marketing: Constant Contact allows integration with popular social media platforms, enabling businesses to extend their reach and engage with their audience through social media channels. Users can schedule and share email campaigns and other content on social media platforms directly from the Constant Contact platform.
  4. Online Surveys: Constant Contact provides tools for creating and conducting online surveys to gather feedback and insights from customers. These surveys can help businesses better understand their audience, improve products or services, and make informed decisions.
  5. Ease of Use: Constant Contact is known for its user-friendly interface and intuitive tools. It caters to users with varying levels of technical expertise, making it accessible to both beginners and experienced marketers.
  6. Customer Support and Resources: Constant Contact offers customer support through various channels, including phone, email, and live chat. They also provide educational resources, including webinars, tutorials, and a knowledge base, to help users make the most of their marketing efforts.
  7. Non-profit Support: Constant Contact offers special pricing and resources tailored to non-profit organizations, recognizing the unique needs and challenges they face.

While Constant Contact excels in these areas, it’s important to note that its services extend beyond them. Constant Contact’s platform is designed to support small businesses, non-profits, and organizations of all sizes in their marketing efforts through various channels and strategies.

Constant Contact alternatives

There are several alternatives to Constant Contact that offer similar email marketing and marketing automation solutions. Here are some popular Constant Contact alternatives:

  1. Mailchimp: Mailchimp is a widely used email marketing platform that offers a range of features such as email campaign creation, automation, audience segmentation, and analytics. It also provides integrations with various e-commerce platforms and social media channels.
  2. AWeber: AWeber is an email marketing platform that focuses on simplicity and ease of use. It offers features like email templates, automation, list management, and analytics. AWeber also provides a visual drag-and-drop email editor.
  3. GetResponse: GetResponse is a comprehensive marketing platform that includes email marketing, automation, landing page creation, webinars, and e-commerce functionalities. It offers advanced automation workflows and segmentation options.
  4. Campaign Monitor: Campaign Monitor is an email marketing and automation platform that focuses on professional design and user-friendly features. It offers drag-and-drop email builders, advanced segmentation, A/B testing, and detailed reporting.
  5. ConvertKit: ConvertKit is specifically designed for creators, bloggers, and small businesses. It offers features like email automation, customizable opt-in forms, and segmentation. ConvertKit emphasizes simplicity and targeted email marketing.
  6. HubSpot Marketing Hub: HubSpot Marketing Hub provides a comprehensive suite of marketing tools, including email marketing, automation, lead management, analytics, and CRM integration. It offers a range of features suitable for small businesses and larger enterprises.
  7. SendinBlue: SendinBlue is a marketing platform that offers email marketing, SMS marketing, marketing automation, and transactional email features. It provides an intuitive interface, advanced segmentation, and deliverability optimization.

These are just a few examples, and there are many other email marketing platforms available in the market. Each alternative may have its own unique features, pricing plans, and target audience. It’s important to evaluate your specific needs and consider factors like ease of use, scalability, pricing, integration options, and customer support when choosing an alternative to Constant Contact.

Which Constant Contact Pricing Plan Should You Choose?

Choosing the right Constant Contact pricing plan depends on your specific needs, the size of your contact list, and the features you require. Here are some factors to consider when selecting a Constant Contact pricing plan:

  1. Number of Contacts: Determine the size of your contact list or estimate how it will grow over time. Constant Contact’s pricing plans have different contact limits, and the cost increases as your contact list grows. Ensure that the chosen plan can accommodate your current contacts and leave room for future growth.
  2. Required Features: Consider the specific features you need for your email marketing and overall marketing strategy. The Email Plan is suitable if you primarily focus on email marketing, while the Email Plus Plan offers additional features like automation, A/B testing, and more advanced functionality. Evaluate your requirements and choose a plan that aligns with your feature needs.
  3. Budget: Consider your budget and the affordability of the pricing plans. Constant Contact offers different price points based on the number of contacts, and there may be additional costs for add-ons or advanced support options. Determine the maximum amount you are willing to invest in your email marketing efforts and select a plan that fits within your budget.
  4. Non-profit or Special Discounts: If you are a non-profit organization, check if Constant Contact offers special pricing or discounts for non-profits. Take advantage of any discounted pricing that may be available for your organization.
  5. Free Trial: Constant Contact typically offers a free trial period. Take advantage of the trial to explore the platform, test its features, and assess its suitability for your needs. This can help you make an informed decision about which pricing plan to choose.
  6. Future Growth and Scalability: Consider your future marketing plans and potential growth. If you anticipate rapid expansion or the need for advanced features in the future, you may want to choose a plan that allows for scalability and offers the necessary features to support your growth.

It’s important to review the current pricing details on the Constant Contact website or reach out to their sales team for the most accurate and up-to-date information. This will help you select the most appropriate pricing plan that meets your specific requirements and budget.

Is Constant Contact Right For You?

Determining if Constant Contact is right for you depends on your specific needs, goals, and preferences. Here are some factors to consider when evaluating if Constant Contact is a suitable choice for you:

  1. Email Marketing Focus: Constant Contact is known for its strong emphasis on email marketing. If email marketing is a primary channel for your marketing efforts and you’re seeking a platform that offers user-friendly email campaign creation, list management, segmentation, and tracking features, Constant Contact can be a good fit.
  2. Ease of Use: Constant Contact is designed to be user-friendly, with intuitive tools and a drag-and-drop email editor. If you’re looking for a platform that doesn’t require extensive technical knowledge or coding skills, Constant Contact’s user-friendly interface can be a benefit.
  3. Small to Medium-Sized Businesses: Constant Contact caters to small and medium-sized businesses, providing features and pricing plans tailored to their needs. If you fall into this category and want a platform that understands the challenges and requirements of small businesses, Constant Contact can be a suitable choice.
  4. Event Marketing and Surveys: If you frequently organize events or conduct surveys as part of your marketing strategy, Constant Contact offers features to support these activities. Their event management tools can help you promote and manage events, while their survey feature enables you to gather feedback and insights from your audience.
  5. Social Media Integration: Constant Contact allows you to integrate with social media platforms, enabling you to extend your reach and engage with your audience across multiple channels. If social media marketing is an important part of your strategy, Constant Contact’s social media integration can be valuable.
  6. Customer Support and Resources: Constant Contact offers customer support through various channels, including phone, email, and live chat. They also provide educational resources such as webinars, tutorials, and a knowledge base to help users maximize their marketing efforts. If having access to reliable customer support and educational materials is important to you, Constant Contact provides those resources.

The decision of whether Constant Contact is right for you depends on your specific needs, preferences, and budget. It’s recommended to explore their features, review their pricing plans, and consider how well they align with your marketing goals. Additionally, you may want to take advantage of their free trial to test the platform and see if it meets your expectations before committing to a paid plan.

Constant Contact’s key strengths And weaknesses

Constant Contacts key strengths And weaknessesConstant Contact has several key strengths that make it a popular email marketing platform. At the same time, it also has some weaknesses that may not make it the best fit for everyone. Here are some of the key strengths and weaknesses of Constant Contact:

Key Strengths:

  1. User-friendly interface: Constant Contact is designed to be user-friendly, with intuitive tools and a drag-and-drop email editor, making it easy for users to create and send professional-looking emails.
  2. Email campaign templates: Constant Contact provides a wide range of email templates to help users create visually appealing and effective email campaigns quickly.
  3. List management: Constant Contact offers robust list management features that enable users to segment their email lists based on different criteria, ensuring that the right message reaches the right audience.
  4. Social media integration: Constant Contact allows users to integrate with social media platforms, enabling them to extend their reach and engage with their audience across multiple channels.
  5. Event management: Constant Contact provides tools to manage events and promote them to your email list.
  6. Customer support and resources: Constant Contact offers customer support through various channels, including phone, email, and live chat. They also provide educational resources such as webinars, tutorials, and a knowledge base to help users maximize their marketing efforts.

Key Weaknesses:

  1. Limited automation: While Constant Contact offers some automation features, they are not as robust as other email marketing platforms, which may limit users who rely heavily on automation in their marketing strategy.
  2. Limited integrations: Constant Contact’s integration options are limited compared to other email marketing platforms, which may be a drawback for businesses that require integration with specific tools.
  3. Contact limitations: Constant Contact’s pricing plans are based on the number of contacts, which can be a disadvantage for businesses that need to send emails to a large number of subscribers.
  4. No A/B testing for subject lines: Constant Contact does not offer A/B testing for subject lines, which can limit the ability to optimize email campaigns for better engagement.
  5. Limited customizability: Some users may find that Constant Contact’s email templates and design options are limiting, which can be a disadvantage for businesses that require more customizability in their email campaigns.

Constant Contact’s strengths include its user-friendly interface, list management, and social media integration, while its weaknesses include limited automation, contact limitations, and integration options. Consider your specific needs and goals when evaluating whether Constant Contact is the right choice for your email marketing strategy.

Why Constant Contact Is the Best for Small Businesses

Constant Contact is often considered a top choice for small businesses due to several factors that cater to their specific needs. Here are some reasons why Constant Contact is considered the best for small businesses:

  1. User-Friendly Interface: Constant Contact offers a user-friendly interface with intuitive tools and a drag-and-drop email editor. Small business owners and marketers with limited technical expertise can easily navigate the platform and create professional-looking email campaigns without the need for coding or design skills.
  2. Affordable Pricing: Constant Contact provides pricing plans that are tailored to the needs and budgets of small businesses. They offer flexible pricing options based on the number of contacts, allowing small businesses to start with a plan that fits their current contact list size and scale up as their business grows.
  3. List Management and Segmentation: Constant Contact offers robust list management features, allowing small businesses to organize and segment their contact lists based on different criteria. This enables targeted and personalized email marketing, ensuring that the right messages reach the right audience segments.
  4. Pre-Built Templates and Customizability: Constant Contact offers a wide range of pre-built email templates that small businesses can use as a starting point for their campaigns. These templates can be customized to match the brand’s look and feel, providing a professional and cohesive email marketing experience.
  5. Social Media Integration: Constant Contact allows small businesses to extend their reach and engagement by integrating with social media platforms. This integration enables businesses to share email campaigns and content on social media, reaching a wider audience and driving traffic back to their website or landing pages.
  6. Event Marketing Features: Constant Contact offers event management tools that help small businesses promote and manage events. From creating event registration pages to sending invitations and tracking attendee information, these features simplify the event planning process and improve event marketing efforts.
  7. Customer Support and Resources: Constant Contact provides customer support through various channels, including phone, email, and live chat. They also offer educational resources such as webinars, tutorials, and a knowledge base to assist small businesses in maximizing their email marketing efforts.
  8. Non-Profit Discounts: Constant Contact offers special pricing and discounts for non-profit organizations, recognizing their unique needs and constraints. This makes it an attractive option for non-profit small businesses looking for cost-effective email marketing solutions.

While Constant Contact is well-suited for small businesses, it’s important to evaluate your specific requirements and compare it with other email marketing platforms to ensure it aligns with your unique needs and goals. Consider factors such as the size of your contact list, desired features, budget, and scalability when making a decision.

Does Constant Contact offer a free version?

Constant Contact does not offer a completely free version of their service. However, they do provide a free trial that allows you to explore and test the platform before committing to a paid plan. The free trial typically lasts for a specific duration, during which you can access the features and functionality of Constant Contact without being charged.

During the trial period, you can create and send email campaigns, manage contacts, and explore other features to see if Constant Contact meets your needs. However, it’s important to note that certain limitations may apply during the trial, such as a cap on the number of contacts you can have or a limited access to some advanced features.

Does Constant Contact have A/B testing?

Yes, Constant Contact does offer A/B testing as part of its email marketing features. A/B testing, also known as split testing, allows you to compare different versions of your email campaigns to determine which performs better and generates higher engagement or conversion rates.

With Constant Contact’s A/B testing feature, you can create multiple versions of your email campaigns and test different elements such as subject lines, email content, call-to-action buttons, or sender names. The platform will randomly divide your contact list into two or more segments and send each segment a different version of the email. Constant Contact tracks and analyzes the performance metrics, such as open rates or click-through rates, to help you identify the winning version.

A/B testing can provide valuable insights into what resonates best with your audience and allows you to optimize your email campaigns based on real data. It helps you make informed decisions about which elements of your emails have the greatest impact on engagement and conversion rates, leading to more effective email marketing strategies.

The availability and specific features of A/B testing may vary depending on the pricing plan you choose or any recent updates made by Constant Contact. For the most accurate and up-to-date information about A/B testing in Constant Contact, I recommend visiting their official website or contacting their customer support team.

Upgrading or downgrading your Constant Contact plan

If you need to upgrade or downgrade your Constant Contact plan, you can do so by following these general steps:

  1. Log in to your Constant Contact account.
  2. Go to the account or billing settings section. The specific location may vary depending on the platform’s user interface.
  3. Look for an option related to “Plans” or “Billing.”
  4. Click on the option to manage your plan or view available plans.
  5. Review the different plan options and their features.
  6. Select the plan you want to upgrade or downgrade to.
  7. Follow the prompts or instructions to confirm your plan change.
  8. Review the pricing and billing details associated with the new plan.
  9. Make any necessary adjustments or updates to your payment information.
  10. Confirm the plan change, and your account will be updated accordingly.

It’s important to note that when you upgrade or downgrade your plan, it may affect your billing cycle and pricing. Some platforms prorate the charges based on the remaining time in your billing period, while others may provide a credit or charge for the difference in plan cost.

Constant Contact Pricing FAQs

Constant Contact offers several pricing plans to choose from. The cost depends on factors such as the number of contacts you have and the features you need. As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, Constant Contact's pricing plans were as follows:
  1. Email Plan: Starts at $20 per month for up to 500 contacts. The price increases as the number of contacts grows.
  2. Email Plus Plan: Starts at $45 per month for up to 500 contacts. Again, the price increases with the number of contacts.
It's important to note that pricing may have changed since my knowledge cutoff, so I recommend visiting the Constant Contact website or contacting their sales team for the most up-to-date pricing information.
While the pricing plans cover the basic services, there are a few things to consider:
  1. Additional Contacts: If you have more contacts than the limit of your chosen plan, there might be an additional cost associated with the increased number of contacts.
  2. Add-ons: Constant Contact offers add-on features like event management, surveys, and social media marketing. These add-ons may come with an extra cost.
  3. Advanced Support: Constant Contact offers advanced support options for an additional fee if you require dedicated support or personalized assistance.
Again, it's essential to check with Constant Contact directly or review their website for the most up-to-date information on any additional costs or fees.
Yes, Constant Contact typically offers a free trial period. However, the length and availability of the trial can vary. It's best to visit their website or contact their sales team to find out the details of any ongoing free trial offers.
Yes, Constant Contact allows you to upgrade or downgrade your plan as needed. You can easily make changes to your plan from within your Constant Contact account. Keep in mind that if you downgrade your plan, you may lose access to certain features or the ability to support a higher number of contacts.
Yes, Constant Contact offers special pricing for non-profit organizations. Non-profit organizations can qualify for discounted rates. You can find more information about their non-profit pricing on the Constant Contact website or by contacting their sales team. Remember to consult the latest information on the Constant Contact website or reach out to their support team for the most accurate and up-to-date pricing details, as pricing and plans may have changed since my knowledge cutoff in September 2021.


  • Shivani Adhikari

    I am Shivani Adhikari author of the website Mailersadda, where I write about a variety of topics including digital marketing, SEO, SMO, email marketing, conversion optimization, content marketing, website design and more. When I'm not working on the website, I enjoy exploring outdoors, travelling and painting. I Hope you find my website helpful and informative. Thank you for visiting Mailersadda.

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